着付30分、撮影10分の 超プレッシャーMAXな着物撮影会!
レポート第二弾 、お写真一挙公開です!
インバウンド(Inbound)とは、外国人が訪れてくる旅行のこと。 日本へのインバウンドを訪日外国人旅行または訪日旅行という。 これに対し、自国から外国へ出かける旅行をアウトバウンド(Outbound)または海外旅行という。
インバウンド(訪日外国人旅行 / 訪日旅行)とは・用語集
Kimono Experience:
For a traditional Japanese cultural experience I would recommend visiting Honmoku Yokohama
where you will be dressed in an exquisite silk kimono for men, women and children.
This takes place in an eighty year old home.
After wearing the kimono you will be asked to pose for a number of photographs throughout the beautiful building.
At the conclusion of the two hour event you will be provided with approximately 100 photographs via Cloud,
of which one of your choice ( A3 size data) will be given to you.
At the same venue, the owners of the traditional Japanese home can provide a delicious meal as an optional extra.
This meal consists of eleven small dishes with a variety of food ranging from soup, rice, tuna, sashimi, sushi, vegetables, seaweed, pickles, prawns and radish.
Japanese tea is served with the meal.